Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum intent reflects the purpose of our school: To provide our students with opportunities and experiences to enhance their life choices, making a positive contribution to the world we share.
We are ambitious for all our students. We maintain the view that everyone has equal access to the knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to make an exceptional contribution to the world we share. The local context will inform, but not determine, what is taught or when it is taught. We will deliver a knowledge-rich curriculum which is of high-value to the individual and the communities we serve.
- The curriculum offered to all students will match and exceed the expectations laid out in the National Curriculum. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, and the intrinsic value of all subjects is recognised.
- Our curriculum will furnish students with the specialist knowledge needed to be successful in examinations and the depth of knowledge to allow them to have a full and deep understanding of the subjects studied. The balance of substantive, disciplinary and procedural knowledge will be subject-specific.
- Curriculum planning will include opportunities for low-stakes testing, retrieval practice, revisiting topics and themes, through carefully planned interleaving and sequencing of topics.
- Information about students with additional needs will be shared with staff so that those students benefit from quality-first teaching, tailored interventions when necessary, and use of technology where available.
- As students progress through our school, the curriculum will support their wider development, and build their cultural capital through extra curricular opportunities and events, which enhance students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
- Literacy is a key part of our curriculum offer: we will provide intensive catch-up in reading for students who require it, and implement a range of approaches across the curriculum for the development of students’ extended writing, vocabulary acquisition and reading.
- We will ensure that all our students are equipped to make informed choices about their current and future lives and are provided with opportunities to safely explore and develop their own ideas and attitudes, through explicit PSHE provision. Our preventative curriculum is continuously under review, responding to local and national safeguarding trends.
- Our curriculum will provide students with a vision for achievements further into the future, beyond school, through a comprehensive and cohesive high-quality careers education programme.
- High-quality professional development will ensure that staff have the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to deliver the curriculum intent
- We will review and evaluate the curriculum annually to ensure it is, where needed, modified in response to the needs of different cohorts and the changing educational and employment landscape.
Roles and Responsibilities
Senior leaders will ensure that:
- The curriculum intent outlined in this policy is planned for and implemented
- There is regular review and quality assurance of the curriculum to ensure that it is being implemented well.
- Subject leaders have the knowledge and expertise to design and implement the curriculum
- The curriculum provided ensures that the standing of the school will not be compromised by its performance under the current or planned accountability frameworks whilst at the same time ensuring that the aims of this policy are met.
Subject leaders will ensure that:
- The intent of the curriculum in their subject reflects the aims and curriculum intent outlined in this policy
- Long term and medium-term plans are in place, providing teaching staff with the guidance, information and resources needed for them to prepare their lessons.
- Quality assurance is undertaken regularly to ensure that the curriculum is being implemented well.
Other staff will ensure that:
- the school curriculum is implemented in accordance with this policy
The governing body will ensure that:
- It is provided with regular information and updates regarding curriculum developments nationally
- It participates actively in decision-making about curriculum developments and changes within the school and monitors the impact of these.
- It regularly reviews and quality assures the curriculum to ensure it is being implemented well.