At Swanwick Hall, we take our responsibilities in safeguarding extremely seriously.  An experienced team, led by Mr Worrall and Mrs Vladimirovs, the designated lead and deputy lead respectively, are on hand each day to ensure that our young people are as safe and happy as possible. 

Where concerns are raised about students’ safety or well-being we will do our best to help and support them, but there might be situations where we may need to pass these concerns onto the local Children’s Services Department and appropriate external agencies for consideration and support.  

We are all governed by the DFE document: Keeping children safe in education – Statutory guidance for schools and colleges.  This document contains information on what schools and colleges should do and sets out the legal duties with which schools and colleges must comply in order to keep children safe.  

If you are concerned about the safeguarding of any students within the school you should report this, in the first instance, to year specific staff who are all trained to the same level as our designated safeguarding lead.  They will then liaise with at least one other fully trained member of staff to ensure that we always take considered, focused action;  

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr Worrall
Deputy Designation Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Vladimirovs
Progress and Achievement Manager Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12/13

Linked Governor for Safeguarding Mrs Lucy Moorcroft
Family Support Worker
Attendance Officer

If you have an allegation against any member of staff, this should be reported directly to Mrs Howard ( marked FAO Mrs Howard – confidential).  

Please click here for our other safeguarding and school policies