Please find below a headline summary of our most recent examination results.  

Progress 8-0.58-0.33-0.39
Percentage students gaining 5+ in English and Maths33.9%39.6%41.20%
Percentage students entering the Ebacc66.1%62.3%36.8%
Average point score Ebacc3.533.793.84
Attainment 8 Score38.8942.744.15
Percentage staying in education or entering employment95%97%96%
Post 1620242023
Post 16 Average Points Per Entry29.1325.49
Post 16 Academic Average GradeC=D+
A Level A*-B42.19%22.7%
A Level A*-A20.31%9.1%
Applied General Average Points Per Entry23.3333.68
Applied General Average GradeMerit-Dist=
Percentage of students who continue in education, training or move on to employment at the end of 16 to 19 study98%97.6%