Most students will have their special educational needs met through good classroom practice. This is called Quality First Teaching.
Where a student is identified as having a special educational need we follow a graduated approach which takes the form of cycles of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’.
Assess: a child’s special educational needs
Plan: the provision to meet your targets aspirations and agreed outcomes
Do: put the provision in place to meet those outcomes
Review: the support and progress.
As part of this approach ever child accessing an intervention will have individualised SEN Support Plan that describes the child’s needs, outcomes and provision to meet those needs. Families and student’s views are integral to this process.
Each year team is led by a Head of Year, a member of teaching staff who ensures that the ethos, behaviours and engagement with learning meet our expected standards and who oversees student progress towards ambitious targets. The HOY is supported by a Non Teaching Head of Year, a member of support staff who manages the year group on a day-to-day basis and is often the first point of contact for home. Each year team also has a group of tutors who oversee the learning and wellbeing of approximately 25-30 students in each tutor group.
We also have a team of highly trained and qualified Teaching Assistants who help the students in a variety of learning situations, provide in-class support and act as key-workers.
All young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they:
- Achieve their best
- Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and
- Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.
When students arrive at Swanwick Hall School, they are initially tested to give us their base or starting level. This assessment along with transition information enables us to identify students who may need extra input or support to access the curriculum.
We believe that every child should be given the opportunity to achieve their potential in learning. Students with special educational needs (SEN) are fully included in all aspects of school life.
Students with identified difficulties receive extra help which can be:
- “In-class” support, allowing students to access the curriculum alongside their peers.
- Individual withdrawal, working on a one-to-one basis.
- In small groups, for catch-up work in literacy, social behaviour etc…
Progress is continually monitored and appropriate individual development goals are set.
Swanwick Hall School is fully committed to the inclusion of students with SEND providing that the School is compatible for the child’s age, ability and aptitude and that their attendance is not incompatible with the efficient education of other students in the School and is an efficient use of the Local Authority’s resources.