Going to school regularly is important to your child’s future. By arriving on time for school it gives children a positive start to the day, ensuring they are ready to learn and miss no learning. Good attendance and punctuality are important life-skills that are highly valued by employers, colleges and universities and teaching students about the importance of good attendance is an important part of our curriculum. We want all children to be happy and at school.

In September 2013 the government introduced new regulations making it clear that Headteachers must not give approval for any leave of absence during term time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Any requests for term time leave should be made on a Request for Absence available from the school office and handed in 28 days before the first date of the requested absence whenever possible. You must have received written authorisation before your child can be absent from school.

Parent/carers may be issued with a penalty notice fine or prosecution should leave of 5 days or more be taken which is not authorised by the Headteacher, or where repeated incidents of leave in term time for less than 5 days occur or where the unauthorised absence contributes to wider poor attendance that meets the legal threshold. Absence deemed for the reason of unauthorised leave in term time will be marked in the register with the Attendance code G.

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.

Each year group has a Progress and Achievement Manager who is available to discuss any attendance concerns and worries. If you would like to speak to your child’s Progress and Achievement Manager, please call 01773 602106. Alternatively, Mrs Kate Parkin (Attendance Officer), is available on 01773 602106 extension 5035 or  kate.parkin@swanwickhall.ttct.co.uk.  We also have a Family Support Worker, Mrs Rachel Christian, who is dedicated to working with families needing extra support.

Please click here for our policies

Advice Leaflet For Parents

Guidance For Parents & Carers Request For Time Off During Term Time SHS

If your child needs collecting from school for any reason, including medical appointments or illness, you will be required to sign out your child from main reception where they will meet you.  We will not allow students to leave site without an adult and if they do not have parental responsibility, we must get verbal consent from a parent/carer.

Student absences 

To report your child being absent due to illness please contact school using one of the following methods, giving your child’s name, year and reason for absence. To ensure safeguarding, you must ring daily if your child is absent. 

Late to school 

All late students should report to the top car park off Derby Road. Students should buzz to speak to Reception who will take their name and reason for absence. The student will then go straight to their current lesson. 

Medical Appointments during the school day 

Where possible all appointments should be made out of school hours but in the event of this not being possible, students should attend school before and after the appointment. Please telephone school to advise of the time you need to collect your child.  Students are to be collected from the top gate, Derby Road entrance. Please buzz to speak to reception who can organise your child being handed over to you. Where possible please email attendance@swanwickhall.ttct.co.uk with a copy of the appointment card/letter. 

Holidays and Other Requests for Leave of Absence in Term Time 

Families must obtain permission from the Headteacher to take their child out of college during term time.  This should be done by completing a Request for Absence Form  

Request For Absence

Calls and Home Visits 

In addition to Mrs Kate Parkin (Attendance Officer), we have two Community Attendance Officers, Mrs Maureen Robinson and Mr Kevin Hughes.  The Community Attendance Officers carry out home welfare visits to students who have had time off ill. They also visit households daily when school have not been informed for the reason for the absence.