There has been a lot of research into the science of learning recently, and there is a better understanding of what schools, families and students can do to embed learning into long term memory.    

Teachers at Swanwick Hall School plan to check students knowledge in lessons and through the use of homework.  This involves going back to previously taught material when it links to new learning.  The movement of information from the working memory into the short term memory helps students retain the information.  In addition, teachers will highlight to students the key pieces of information vital to build up a holistic understanding of the relevant subject. 

Students need to revise regularly and different topics to rehearse, recalling information when it is required.  When students reflect on the feedback provided by their teachers in school to identify and work on their next steps, then revision can become powerful.   

Families can support students by encouraging them to revise regularly, testing students (use their resources; families do not need to be the expert) and providing a quiet space for them to work.   

Below you will find information that will support students and families with effective revision. 

This section is designed to give you information about all the different ways in which you can support your child in Year 7 to 9. If you feel that you would like to see specific information included within this section we would always welcome your input. Please email with your ideas. 


  • Support your child to be at school, on time, and ready to learn. 
  • Make sure your child has the correct equipment for school 
  • Encourage them to pack their own school bag the night before 
  • Talk to them about organisation skills, are there any ideas they have that could help them e.g. folder for homework 


  • Talk to your child about the homework that have been set, get them to explain to you what they have to do. 
  • Find them a quiet space to complete homework to the best of their ability. 
  • Encourage your child to speak to their teachers if they are unsure of the work set, We are here to help.  
  • Let us know if you have any concerns. 


One of the best things you can do as a family to support your child with school work is to encourage your child to read for pleasure outside of school. Reading widely means that: 

  • Your child’s vocabulary will continue to develop. 
  • Your child will experience lots through reading that they may never experience in real life. 
  • If your child has ever struggled to read well, make sure they don’t lose that skill by not practising it. 
  • Your child will have an enjoyable past time as long as they pick something they like! 

You can help support your child’s reading at home by: 

  • Valuing everything they read – comics, magazines, newspapers, blogs, non-fiction are all just as fantastic as reading stories, so let your child read what they want to read, rather than what you might want them to read. 
  • Hearing your child read once a week: this is really important for any children who have ever struggled to learn to read confidently. 
  • Talking to your child a few times a week about what he or she is reading and what it is about. 
  • Letting your child see that you read regularly too. 
  • Encouraging your child to take a book out of our school library every week. 

This section is designed to give you information about all the different ways in which you can supporting your child in Year 10 and 11. 

If you feel that you would like to see specific information included within this section we would always welcome your input. Please email with your ideas. 

Revision Strategies 

  • Students have been taught explicit ways of how to revise via form tutors.
  • Whatever strategies students choose to use to revise, the key is to work in small chunks, test themselves to find out what they cannot recall, and focus on this in the next chunk of revision.
  • Families can help by playing the role of the ’tester’ and by keeping students positive: when they work out what it is they cannot easily recall, this is a good thing if it gives them the direction for the next step in revision.

Year 11 Independent Revision

Supporting your Child’s Learning

Text Mapping

Effective Revision

As a school, we have prioritised 3 key strategies for effective learning:

  • Look Cover Write Check
  • Flashcards
  • Mind maps

You can learn more in these short videos.

Look Cover Write Check


Mind maps

Year 11 Parent/Carer Revision Evening

Thank you to those parents/carers and students who attended our Year 11 Revision Evening. The resources which were presented can be downloaded below.

Year 11 Parent Information Evening

Effective Learning

English Year 11 Revision Guidance

Maths Year 11 Revision Guidance

If you have any questions, please contact Mr Greatorex or Mrs Grimmer.

Revision Guides Price List

All orders to be placed via email to and payment to be made via Parentpay.  Guides will then be sent home via students.  Students can also see Mrs Price in the main school office to purchase with cash.

Subject Cost
English – Jekyll & Hyde £3.25
English – Romeo & Juliet £3.25
English – An Inspector Calls £3.25
English – Poetry Anthology (Love & Relationships) £3.25
Combined Science – RG/WB RG – £6.00    WB – £7.00
Triple Science – Biology RG/WB RG – £3.15    WB – £4.15
Triple Science – Physics RG/WB ———as above——–
Triple Science – Chemistry RG/WB ———as above——–
*Triple sets RGs, set of 3 £9, WBs, set 3 £12, full set of 6 £20
French – AQA, Y11 2024/25 only £5.00
Spanish – AQA, Y11 2024/25 only £5.00
French – Y10 2024/25 TBC
Spanish – Y10 2024/25 TBC
Geography £6.80
History £3.50
Hospitality & Catering £9.40
Health & Social Care £7.00
Maths – complete revision & practice £5.00
BTEC Business (Enterprise) £4.80
BTEC Sport £5.35
Computing (Computer Science) £6.60
Computer Science revision cards £4.50
Maths revision cards, higher/foundation £6.25
Maths calculator £8.95
Blank Revision Cards £1 per pack/100

What’s going on to support you?

Y11 100 Day Plan Wb 24th February