Ofsted Report 2023
Click Here to view Swanwick Hall School Ofsted Report
Some of the Ofsted comments made during the inspection in January:
Leaders have ensured that the school’s three core values are at the heart of
everything that happens at Swanwick Hall School. These values are resilience,
respect and inclusivity. Most pupils talk about feeling safe. They recognise key
people who they could talk to, should they have a concern or a worry.
The school has high expectations of all pupils. Pupils have access to a broad and
balanced curriculum. This includes a wide range of GCSE and A-level subjects.
Younger pupils benefit from a timetabled enrichment programme which allows them
to develop their talents and interests.
The school’s sixth-form provision is growing. One parent echoed the views of several
when they stated that their child ‘has good relationships with her teachers and
pastoral manager in the sixth form’. Sixth-form students commented on how their
teachers motivate them to do well.
All staff are aware of their duty in relation to safeguarding. They receive regular
training to ensure that their knowledge of safeguarding concerns is up to date.
Leaders have adopted clear mechanisms to support the reporting of safeguarding
Leaders have designed a broad and ambitious curriculum. Pupils study a wide range
of different subjects. The curriculum for key stage 3 pupils has recently undergone
development to ensure that pupils are able to recall their knowledge over time.
Sixth-form students benefit from teachers’ subject expertise.
Pupils have access to extra-curricular activities, including choir and chamber
orchestra. Pupils in Years 8 and 9 have a timetabled extra-curricular lesson every
week. These pupils access a range of opportunities to develop their talents and
interests such as baking, sports leadership and codebreaking. In the sixth form,
students have access to a learning and academic mentor to support them. They
value this provision.
There is a careers programme in place at the school. Pupils hear from a range of
speakers about different career options. Sixth-form students have weekly meetings
with a mentor to help them prepare for their next steps. Sixth-form students talked
positively about this provision.