Swanwick Hall School Library is a lively, popular resource located upstairs in the ICT block and is open from 8.30 – 3.30 every day, this includes access before school starts and during breaks and lunches.
We are open on alternating Thursdays after school for clubs. In Book Group, which is open to all years, we take part in The Derbyshire School Book Award and The Carnegie Book Award. Students read the shortlisted books and take part in a variety of activities both in school and on educational visits connected to the book awards. There’s also Manga Club, which is open to all year groups, students learn to draw different Japanese styles of animation and watch relevant anime films. The library also runs an annual Harry Potter quiz night and online author visits to actively promote reading for pleasure.
The library stocks fiction and non-fiction for years 7-13 and for readers of all abilities, including a wide selection of dyslexia friendly books.
English classes in the library are closely linked to the English syllabus and the texts which are being studied. For example, during the Gothic topic students look at key link vocabulary and discuss books which would further enhance reading and understanding.