At Swanwick Hall, safeguarding is at the heart of our School. That’s why we have developed our safeguarding campaign to ensure our students feel safe and happy at school. Every term we focus on a specific safeguarding theme tailored to the needs of our 11,000 students.

This term’s focus is ‘Worried About Bullying? – Be an Upstander’ This encourages students to understand how light-hearted jokes or teasing can sometimes cross the line into harmful bullying and the crucial role of being an Upstander in creating a safe and inclusive environment.

Being an Upstander means recognising when words or actions may be hurtful, stepping in to support those affected, and encouraging positive relationships. This could involve speaking out when you notice harmful banter, offering kindness to someone who’s been hurt, or talking to a trusted adult to ensure the matter is addressed. This complements our wider safeguarding message of ‘Talk to a Trusted Adult.’

This term’s focus is particularly relevant as students navigate:

  • Understanding the difference between banter and bullying: Recognising when teasing becomes hurtful crosses personal boundaries.
  • Building empathy and inclusivity: Encouraging students to understand others’ feelings and help those who may feel excluded.
  • Developing confidence to intervene: Empowering students to step in safely when they witness bullying behaviours and seek help when needed.

Throughout the term assemblies, Tutor Time and Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) lessons will explore these topics. This will provide students with practical strategies for identifying harmful behaviours, managing conflicts, and creating a respectful and supportive school environment.

Safeguarding is a collective effort and by empowering students to be Upstanders, we’re building a stronger, more supportive School community.